All is quiet except for a grunt or groan breaking the silence and
startling me back into the world of hearing.
I rely on my ears to understand what is taking place around me, but
without words my other senses begin to kick in.
I watch, intrigued by the emotion.
The “speaker” is telling a story.
I don’t need to hear his voice because through the flowing movement of
his hands and the expressions on his face.
I see a story unfolding.
The people around me watch, intent on the outcome. His body moves into the story and hands go up
waving in the deaf sign for clapping as the audience responds with joy. We’ve all encountered the deaf, whether a
small child in a shop pulling on your pant-leg, a young person at Carre Four bagging
groceries, or an elderly person begging on the corner communicating only with
deep guttural sounds.
Understanding those who cannot hear is an emerging culture in
Bogota. Misguided beliefs that deaf
people cannot contribute to a society are being challenged as awareness grows
across all socio-economic lines.
Colombian law, grounded in an all-encompassing Constitution
guarantees the right of all persons, especially minors, to have access to
education even if that means hiring specialized staff to teach sign language. In
Bogota there are two schools dedicated to teaching sign language to the
deaf. One school, Instituto Nuestra
Senora de la Sabiduria para Sordos (Institute of Our Lady of Wisdom for the
Deaf) located on the Calle 20 Sur No. 10A-51 has been at the center of a heated
public debate ever since the Education Secretary of Bogota which had been
subsidizing the specialized facility with 4- percent of its operating costs
decided to cancel the contract, worth some $480 million pesos, last month. Three hundred and fifty children had to be
relocated to district schools and an institution which had been running for 88
years is now on the verge of closure.
The protests over the Education Secretary pulling its support of
the school contrasts the efforts of the national government in developing
special job incentives and programs for the deaf. The presidency has established a strict
program which requires applicants to
attend training, similar to a technical college, and which would
make them eligible for jobs. The
training course prepares those with hearing impairments to work in factories, in
construction, as bakers and develop a work ethic important in being a valued
Each country has its own version of sign language. Mexican sign is different than
Colombian. Culture is very important to
each country’s development of the language.
In 1996 Colombian Sign Language (Lengua de Senas Colombiana or LSC) was
recognized as an official language.
LSC's origin is American Sign Language (ASL), but Colombian Sign
Language has evolved, changing many signs to be more culturally relevant. For example, the Colombian sign for
“chocolate” is rubbing the hands together as if frothing hot chocolate with a
molinillo. It is not the same sign as in
the US, but it makes sense here. Signs
in Colombia tend to create a picture that demonstrates a word or concept
similar to the game of charades. The
ASL sign for “mom” is made by placing the thumb against your chin with the hand
open. In Colombia the sign looks like
you are holding a baby. Although LSC is
a national language, there are dialects between cities such as Cartagena and
Amanda Bloom works with the deaf in Bogota. Out of 2 million deaf in Colombia, only 50,000
use LSC. Because the culture is in the
developing stages she says, “The most difficult thing working with the deaf
here is that they are exposed to so much change that they are confused.” They rely on people coming up to them to
educate them on products, appropriate prices, religion and other pieces of
knowledge that hearing people understand because of the vast amounts of
information we have to process and make decisions. There is a trust that is often broken as
people try to take advantage of them or play on their emotions. It takes a lot of time to develop a
relationship and trust within the deaf community. Working with a group of deaf people will
include a variety of levels and needs to be met. One person may be educated and employed where
another person only speaks “home sign language”.
Daisy, 23, is one such person having attended school, but with no
one trained to teach the deaf, she was simply given a notebook to copy things
off the blackboard with no comprehension of how symbols combined to form words
and ideas. She never learned to read or
write. Daisy's family created a combination
of gestures to communicate in, their own home sign language. Amanda began her work with Daisy on the
simplest thing--her name. From there she
taught Daisy the alphabet just as you would teach a child. Amanda used pictures and drawings to teach
abstract concepts such as emotions and ideas - forgiveness and love. “There is some benefit to this because there
is less confusion in identifying personal emotions,” says Amanda, “but in the
older generation there is a lot of bottled-up anger because they grew up with
no way of communicating.”
Change takes time, the process is slow. The deaf have come a long way in the
Colombian acceptance of their disability although the further you travel from a
large city the less opportunity there is to move out of generational
stigmas. People like Daisy have a
changed life because of a few people who cared enough to work against common
public perception and offer her the opportunity of communication.
Feb. 2013
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