Friday, November 14, 2008

See What You Can Do

The Wairoa Star


See What You Can Do
New Zealand is a beautiful country of rolling hills and mountains, fields and forests, rivers and waterfalls, lakes and oceans.
It is an invaluable gem in a world that is losing its precious wilderness to meet the needs of a growing population.
Some may wonder why we should be concerned with the environment. Past generations acted on a lack of knowledge thus disturbing the world we now live in.
As we look to the future we need to decide what type of world we wish to leave those generations after us.
It is easy to look to others to take responsibility for us. The government can't fix all the problems in society so it is up to the individual to claim responsibility and make changes.
In the past few years I have taken a closer look at how I live my daily life and how my actions are in turn affecting the world around me.
In moving to New Zealand I have taken an even greater step in that direction.
The first step in change is to realize the need for change.
There is so much about our daily lives that we do't think about.
What will happen to this article after I am done using it?
What is left in the air after a drive to town?
How is heating my house affecting the air that I breathe?
A trip to the local dump was an experience that left me thinking where does my daily rubbish go?
How many years until this dump is full and then where does the rubbish go?
Is there a way I can reduce the amount that I am contributing to this each week?
New Zealand is miles ahead of America in the average person's care of the environment.
Here I have reduced my wast to one small bag a week with my recycling container overflowing.
I have found that most packaging contains the recycling symbol yet there is still room for improvement.
New Zealanders currently recycle 70 percent of their aluminum, 50 percent of their paper, 45 percent of their glass, 30 percent of their steel and only 18 percent of their plastics.
We have made it a practice to compost our vegetation scraps, I knew of only one other family that composted back in America.
Residents of Wairoa have shown me many ways to compost including worm farms and compost bins.
The council now even has a compost system available that also helps to produce a liquid fertilizer for your garden.
Conscious living can also be fun and rewarding. I was recently at a party here in town and the host had 100 percent compostable plates and wooden eating utensils.
Everyone had fun standing in line tasting their plates!
The kids at school are often doing projects as well with the concept of reusing something old to create something new.
I even know someone here who makes their own petrol for their car by recycling vegetable oil.
On a business scale I have discovered that businesses displaying the black square with the white fern have achieved the Qualmark.
This is New Zealand's official mark of quality for tourism.
Businesses are assessed on their environmental performance in areas of energy efficiency, conservation initiatives, waste management, community activities and water conservation.
I have seen these principles in practice as we have traveled with garbage separation and composting in hotels, light switches that are activated with room entrance keys, energy efficient light bulbs and recycling containers at camping grounds.
To care about the future of the earth one does not need to carry a picket sign in a demonstration march or wear a t-shirt proclaiming 'Save the Whales'.
Each person has the power to make a difference.
I urge you to stop, think, consider and evaluate.
It is the small choices each of us makes on a daily basis.
Through all of us making those conscious decisions we will leave a gift to the future generations.
- Kristen Faber

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